8 bad habits that are damaging your kidneys
In addition to haphazardly taking medications, other common habits such as consuming too much salt or not drinking enough water can also be very harmful for the health of our kidneys
Kidneys are organs that work continuously to filter out the waste substances that travel in our bloodstream.
Through urine, our kidneys are able to eliminate a large portion of the toxins that come from foods, the environment and medication.
However, as is the case with other systems in our body, kidneys can loose efficiency because of certain diseases.
The problem is that we don’t pay much attention to them. Unfortunately, we brush over some habits that can lead to their premature impairment in some way or another.
Do you know what they are? Try to correct them today!
1. Holding in urine
Some people don’t go to the bathroom when their body asks to go. Though it might not seem like a big deal, or even necessary, the reality is that it can affect the health of your kidneys.
Holding in urine for a long time raises the levels of inflammation in the urinary tract and can lead to kidney diseases.This habit puts more pressure on the bladder and can complicate the process of eliminating waste material.
2. Drinking insufficient amounts of water
If we want our kidneys to work properly and an optimal detox as well,making sure to consume enough water and healthy liquids is essential.
Fluids keep the body hydrated and help gather that metabolic waste that will later exit the body through urine.A dehydrated body can lead to kidney stones, infections and inflammatory diseases.
3. Smoking
People who smoke every day are aware of the dangers they can suffer from the toxic contents of cigarettes.
These waste substances manage to travel through the bloodstream, affecting not only the lungs, but also the kidneys and the heart.The accumulation of waste complicates the cleaning process of the kidneys and thus, increases their susceptibility to infections.
4. Choosing the wrong kinds of liquids
Drinking carbonated drinks, energy drinks and other commercially-produced beverages can be a cause for many diseases related to renal impairment.
These liquids contain too much sugar and too many additives that affect metabolism, which ends up severely impacting kidney health.Drinking them every day, or in large quantities, can lead to kidney stones, inflammation and chronic kidney disease.
5. Consuming too much sodium
Sodium isn’t only present in the table salt that we use in the kitchen. It’s also concentrated in many foods that we eat on a daily basis.
This substance, which isn’t harmful in moderation, builds up in the body andincreases liquid retention and chances of renal problems.An unlimited consumption of sodium, which tends to be quite common, is linked with high blood pressure and premature kidney impairment.On a further note, given that it interferes with the balance of other minerals, it can lead to an electrolyte imbalance.
6. Taking over-the-counter drugs
Over-the-counter drugs are helpful for treating common health problems such as back pain or headaches.
These drugs, especially pain-killers, can have side-effects that could affect our kidneys.The body needs to metabolize their chemical compounds. When we take them irresponsibly, they can have serious implications for our kidneys and liver. The excessive use of drugs such as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen is linked with damage to the kidneys
7. Eating too many proteins
Proteins are recommendable for diets because of the role they play in muscle mass formation and metabolism.
However, though they are essential, we shouldn’t eat them excessively, especially if they come from an animal source.
Abusing protein consumption makes it harder on the kidneys and can lead to chronic diseases
8. Having a sedentary lifestyle
People with a sedentary lifestyle have a higher risk of suffering from kidney diseases in comparison to those who maintain an active lifestyle.
First off, people with a sedentary lifestyle often have a poor diet, which makes the kidneys’ job harder.The lack of physical activity affects blood circulation and as a result, hinders the elimination of retained liquids.Furthermore, this kind of lifestyle raises the risk of high blood pressure and affects health which in turn, raises the risk of diseases.
Are you worried about the health of your kidneys? If you’re used to doing some of these habits yourself, try to change them so that you won’t have to suffer the consequences later.
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