
Showing posts from April, 2018

5 Health Benefits of Lime

They are widely available and easy to eat, making it the perfect way to help your diet. Limes possess a powerful set of health benefits thanks to a combination of vitamin C and antioxidants. They are widely available and easy to eat, making it the perfect way to help your diet. Several of the compounds found in limes have been shown to have potent cancer-fighting properties  Some of lime benefits include: 1. Help Fight Against Cancer Lime has an impressive ability to fight against cancer cells in the body. They are packed with antioxidants, which are compounds that fight against the harmful free radicals that can cause cell damage and chronic disease. Several of the compounds found in limes have been shown to have potent cancer-fighting properties. 2. Improves Heart Health Studies show that eating lime fruit could reduce severe heart disease risk factors and  may even help give your heart a boost . Limes have vitamin C in them, an important nutrient that may be prot...

4 Simple Drinks that help you fight cold and catarrh

The dry season is here again and as if the heat isn’t enough, the mutant flu virus is spreading and infecting everyone with cold and catarrh all around; making us all uncomfortable. If you have experienced cold and catarrh, you will know that there is only so much you can do to get over the I’ll essential. Rest and rehydrating from loss of fluids is the best way to recover. In all, there is a need for you to give your over laboured stomach and intestines a break, clear liquids give them the rest they need. Do your best to avoid liquids that are acidic (such as orange juice) or caffeinated (such as coffee), or anything that has a lot of carbonation. A number of drinks are best taken when you have cold and catarrh and eating immune-boosting foods will also significantly help you fight it off. To help you rehydrate faster when you’re down with cold and catarrh, here are some fluids that can help you get better faster. Water Water shouldn’t come as a surpri...

7 Reasons excess salt is not good for your health

The overuse of salt can cause chemical imbalances that can lead to death. Salt is the major factor contributing to stroke and heart attacks in South Africa, claiming more lives each year than all forms of cancer combined. Here is a list of reasons why too much salt is bad for your health. 1. Cardiovascular disease Exceeding the recommended daily sodium intake contributes to a high risk of cardiovascular disease in adults. According to an article published in the The BMJ, high salt intake is associated with a significantly increased risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. 2. Brain According to the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, high dietary sodium intake has been linked to hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The study also reveals that a high dietary sodium intake may impair cognitive function in older people. 3. Oedema Swelling of the knees or feet and even your hands can be caused by oedema. An article published in claims...

10 Powerful Health benefits of zobo drink

Zobo drink  is a popular drink in Africa andNigeria at large; its name is derived from the Hausa name of the Hibiscus plant “zoborodo”. This is a widely consumed drink across Nigeria and many make a living just by making and selling this drink; apart from the sweet taste and its popularity, zobo is a healthy drink with many health benefits. We will be looking at some of the health benefits of this amazing drink and I will also show you how to make yours in the comfort of your home. The reason I encourage people to make theirs is that you don’t how the ones you are buying are being prepared, you don’t know the type of water used and many other health factors to consider. Besides, food poisoning and typhoid can be gotten from all patronizing public foods. So the best way to be sure of what you are taking is to make it yourself. Below are some of the health benefits of Zobo It prevents high blood pressure Dried Hibiscus flower which is used in making this drink has anti-hyp...

The best times when to drink water for optimum health

Water is very essential foryour health and wellbeing. D rinking water at certain specific times of the day could be beneficial to you in ways you probably never even thought or imagined. Well, we are here to tell you that guzzling water at these five strategic times of the day will be help you maximise its benefits to you. 1. Before going to bed If you are fully hydrated before going to bed and sleeping, you lower the risk of stroke and heart attack. Dehydration elevates the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, specifically heart attack, and stroke. Drinking water during a meal isn’t all that good. Drink before and or after A heart attack occurs mostly in the morning because the blood is thicker caused by loss of water. This is a good reason to drink water at night to keep your body hydrated while you are sleeping. 2. When you wake up from bed If you sleep for 8 hours, that means you are also not drinking any fluids for 8 hours, and your body slowly become...

Kidney stones and How to flush them Naturally

Kidney stones are a solid, crystal-like mineral material that forms within the kidney or urinary tract. Kidney stones are relatively common – occurring in one of every 20 people worldwide. Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in the amount of urine produced and/or an excess of stone-forming substances in the urine. Relating to the former,  dehydration is one of the leading causes of kidney stones. Kidney stones are notoriously very painful. When the stone moves around the ureter – the tube that connects the kidney and bladder – severe pain is often felt in the side and back, below the rib cage. The pain may then radiate to the lower abdomen and groin. Nearly every kidney stone is passed from the kidney through the ureter and bladder through the urethra. Consuming plenty of fluids facilitates the passage of kidney stones, though most people find it necessary to take some type of prescription medication for pain control. Other symptoms of kidney stones in...

5 Health Benefits of Cucumber

With vitamin K, B vitamins, copper, potassium, vitamin C, and manganese, cucumbers can help you to avoid nutrient deficiencies. Cucumbers are useful for eating and external use also. Cucumbers are made up of 95 percent water, these makes them an ideal hydrating and cooling food, but they don’t serve this purpose alone. With vitamin K, B vitamins, copper, potassium, vitamin C, and manganese, cucumbers can help you to avoid nutrient deficiencies. Cucumbers also contain unique polyphenols and other compounds that may help reduce your risk of chronic diseases and much more. Health Benefits include. 1. REDUCE YOUR RISK OF CANCER Cucumbers contain polyphenols called lignans (pinoresinol, lariciresinol, and secoisolariciresinol), which may help to lower your risk of breast, uterine, ovarian, and prostate cancers. They also contain phytonutrients called cucurbitacins, which also have anti-cancer properties. 2. FIGHT INFLAMMATION Cucumbers may help to stop the inflammator...

10 Foods you do not know are rich in proteins

When you think of protein, beans, meat, milk, and fish are probably what comes to mind. But there are dozens of other foods that are also rich in protein. So if you want to give your protein diet more variety, here are seven protein-packed foods you should start eating. Potatoes Potatoes are commonly known for carbohydrates but they also pack a protein punch. One medium-sized unskinned potato contains about four grammes of protein. Corn Roasted or boiled, one serving of yellow corn has about 15.6g of protein. Additionally, corn also contains a good amount of fiber and minerals, including calcium. Cauliflower Cauliflower has a lot of protein with very few calories. One cup of chopped cauliflower has 27 calories and two grammes of protein. Oats Oats offer about 17g of protein per 100g. Raw oats are easy to prepare and can be flavored them with a variety healthful foods, such as fruits and nuts. Artichokes Artichokes are high in fiber and offer a...

5 Habits that make you age Very fast

Every living thing experiences growth in one way or another. Human beings, plants, animals and even bacteria metamorphose from one stage to the other. So far as this is inevitable, we can play a role in regulating how we look, when we take a look at ourselves in the mirror. 1 .GETTING LITTLE SLEEP The body, haven been subjected to various activities in the course of the day, deserves to be replenished with enough rest. Medical practitioners often recommend at least eight hours of rest each night. How many hours of sleep do you get each night? 2.EATING LITTLE FRUITS AND VEGETABLE Fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins and minerals needed by the body. A daily intake of essential fruits and vegetables, among other benefits, boosts the body’s immune system. Because they full of nutrients such as antioxidants and vitamins, they help fight off infections, and keep the body healthy. 3.EATING TOO MUCH SUGAR FOODS that are rich in starches and sugars can lead to gly...

7 Ways to become Slimmer in 7 days

Have you ever wanted to look leaner and fitter instantly to show off your well-toned body for a beach vacation, the New Year's eve party, a cousin's wedding, or a big date? If yes, then we have tips for you to look thinner, slimmer, leaner and better instantly. No, it's not an optical illusion. Whether you have 3 days, 7, 10, 14 days, 2 weeks or 1 month, you can use these tips to look thinner include: 1. Drink Water Start your day with a glass or two of plain water. Research has proven that drinking water first thing in the morning helps jump start your metabolism and helps remove toxins from your body. Also, if you want a drink then make it water as water is a drink and has no calories. Drinking plain water also helps in controlling hunger and prevents you from eating unnecessary calories. Switch to water or green tea and feel the difference within a day.Read to know more green tea to lose weight. 2. Walk After Your Meals If you are not cut out for running or exercisin...

6 Benefits of Squatting exercise

As a Fitness Professional, I am educated in knowing how to radically transform your body for a lasting change and I know which exercise moves can best do this. And squats are one of these exercise moves, if not the exercise move that can best transform the body. Squats are a functional physical activity, offering you spectacular benefits. If squats exercise are performed consistently and with perfect form, they are one of the most powerful movements you can possibly do to tone your body. There are endless variations, so you will never have to experience a plateau or feel bored. These beauties can be modified and styled just for you. Everything about the squat is perfection! So what exactly happens to your body when you start doing squats? 1. You will strengthen and transform your quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves and core muscles Performing exercises for your lower body, efficiently rids your body of excess stored fuel, better than any other exercises. You will work out muscl...

Research: 5 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

The benefits of coffee are not only related to the increase of energy. Despite being commonly demonized as an evil habit, science proves that things are not really so. In fact, a few cups of coffee a day may generate various benefits that can affect directly and indirectly in its objectives. 1) A GREAT SOURCE OF ANTIOXIDANTS Antioxidant are molecules that prevent cell damage, which over time can lead to several types of diseases and health problems. According to a study, coffee is a major source of antioxidants of the Western diet. 2 )INCREASES LIFE EXPECTANCY A recent study where researchers analyzed the coffee consumption among 400,000 people, was discovered a significant link between coffee and longevity. Simply put, the study found that those who drank more coffee, generally lived longer those who drank less or nothing, and interestingly, the more they drank, the more they lived. And that connection was both normal and decaffeinated coffee, so do not confuse consum...

3 Best exercises for a healthy heart

Heart-pumping aerobic exercise is good for cardiovascular health. But Johns Hopkins researchers say that two other types of exercise play a key role in heart health, too. Here’s how to balance your fitness plan to get all the benefits women stretching before a bike ride What's the Best Exercise for Weight Loss? Both aerobic exercise and resistance training burn calories, as well as help improve your baseline metabolic rate. The more muscle mass you develop, the more calories you burn, said by Johns Hopkins hospital exercise physiologist Kerry J. Stewart, Ed.D. “Together with diet, that’s what leads to weight loss,” he says. Being physically active is a major step toward good heart health. It’s one of your most effective tools for strengthening the heart muscle, keeping your weight under control and warding off the artery damage from high cholesterol, high blood sugar and high blood pressure that can lead to heart attack or stroke. It’s also tru...

8 Signs You are not Drinking enough water

If there’s one piece of advice that’s been said to death, it’s to drink more water and stay hydrated. But how do you know that you’re getting enough water into your system? Here are nine signs that you need to drink more water. 1. Lotion doesn’t work If applying liberal amounts of lotion to your dry skin doesn’t improve its condition, you may need to up your liquid intake to help the body produce more sebum! 2. A dry mouth and a sticky tongue The next time you feel this symptom, don’t reach for candy or a piece of gum – go for a glass of water instead! 3. Headaches Headaches are a very common sign of dehydration, and too little water can lead to migraines. If you have one, drink only water and keep away from sugary drinks. 4. Weight gain Drinking enough water can boost metabolism, while being dehydrated can lead to you feeling unnecessarily hungry as your body is confused about the lack of liquid. 5. Constipation You need enough water for easy pass...

5 Reasons to eat Tiger nuts +12Recipes

Yellow nutsedge ( Cyperus esculentus)  is a perennial grass-like plant that grows up to three feet tall. Also known as chufa sedge, earth almond, and nut grass, the simple and unassuming foliage of  C. esculentus  is often mistaken for a weed. Beneath the soil, however, are a vast network of rhizomes, tubers, and basal bulbs; a single yellow nutsedge plant can produce anywhere from hundreds to thousands of tubers per season. Yellow nutsedge is cultivated for these edible tubers – called “tiger nuts” because of their striped appearance. Despite its name, tiger nuts are not nuts but fleshy tubers that are dried for up to three months after harvest. The drying process makes them quite hard but they may be eaten as is or soaked in water to soften them and enhance their nutty and sweet flavor. If you haven’t heard of tiger nuts before, read on to learn all about the benefits of this non-nut: 1. Tiger Nuts Are A Healthful Snack Nutrition wise, tig...